Healthy Women

Healthy Women

Over the last 30 years I have helped many women improve and manage their hormonal and general health throughout every stage in their life.

Women can experience a wide range of health issues before during and after their reproductive years. The delicate balance of nutritional requirements and hormonal health will be constantly changing as you progress from puberty and menarche, through pregnancy and motherhood and into menopause and beyond.

Robust health is often compromised by hormone disruptors such as stress, life style factors, environmental toxins, diet, medications, synthetic hormones, genetic factors and other illnesses such as thyroid dysfunction, digestion and nutrient deficiencies.

Do you have specific reproductive health issues such as:

  • Fertility challenges
  • Cycle irregularities
  • Painful or heavy periods
  • Unpleasant pre-menstrual symptoms
  • Abnormal pap smears or cervical dysplasia
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Poor libido
  • Menopausal symptoms

Or symptoms such as

  • Poor digestion, bloating or bowel irregularities
  • Thyroid dysfunction or disease
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Insulin resistance or diabetes
  • Recurrent infections
  • Unexplained fatigue

If so, I can assist you in finding the solutions to these problems and establishing an effective reproductive and general health regimen.

Click here for more information on hormone balance.

Menarche & Adolescence

Adolescence can be challenging for young women on a number of levels.  They are still growing at the same time that reproductive hormones are kicking in resulting in lots of physical and emotional change.  An adolescent’s experience and symptoms will be quite different to an older woman.  They have very specific and high nutritional requirements for both growth and hormone production.   Hormone balance sometimes takes a couple of years to become established and in the meantime young women may experience a number of difficulties such are irregular menstrual cycles, heavy and painful periods, skin and mood changes.

I have found that young women usually respond very well to nutritional and herbal medicines.

The fertile years (20’s to 40’s)

During this time women tend to be focused on career, pregnancy and motherhood.  Often juggling all three at once!

Often in this phase women may require assistance with stabilising hormones, dealing with irregular menstrual cycles, heavy periods, lack of periods (e.g. after coming off contraception), period pain, debilitating premenstrual symptoms, optimising fertility and preparing for pregnancy and motherhood.

Also during this time many hormonal and other health problems have their origin.  If addressed now with lifestyle, diet, nutritional and herbal medicine, it is less likely that they will become major health issues later in life.

Menopause and beyond

The time leading up to and during menopause heralds another new life phase for women.  Unfortunately, many women arrive at this phase exhausted, depleted nutritionally, physically and emotionally and hormonally imbalanced.  It is not surprising then that, instead of this being an easy and welcomed transition, many women experience the unpleasant symptoms of flushing, insomnia, low libido, mood swings and lack of vitality.

I can offer many lifestyle and dietary strategies as well as nutritional and herbal medicines that will assist menopausal symptoms and other health issues that may arise post menopause.